Important Note:
Please note that you may register as many teams as you wish at this
time. However, we will not begin admitting third and subsequent teams into
the field until November 1, 2001. This is to ensure that all teams
that wish to register have a chance to do so.
Please complete all fields.
School (if not listed above):
Contact Name:
Contact Email Address:
WWW site (optional):
Number of Teams:
A team = $135; B team = $110; C/D teams = $95 each
(All discounts will be applied on your final invoice.)
(-$10 each)
(-$10 each)
(-$20 each)
Names and e-mail addresses of moderator(s):
Special Discounts:
(see announcement for details)
If you are registering two or more teams, please include a contact person (with e-mail) for each team.
Click here to
Click here to
If you have a problem reading this form, contact Penn
Bowl staff.